Why have your Amalgam Fillings removed?
Knowing the risks of amalgam fillings, you should never allow another mercury filling in your mouth. But when it comes to replacing amalgam fillings already in your mouth, you should discuss the concept with your dentist carefully.
Many patients consider amalgam fillings removal after their physician notes that they may have health problems related to the exposure or accumulation of heavy metal – including mercury. As an adjunct to their treatment, the physicians recommend the replacement of amalgam fillings with a more biocompatible material.
Some patients consider amalgam fillings removal after learning about the risks of mercury ingestion, and want to eliminate the threat as soon as possible.
Replacing amalgam fillings is a choice
If you make the decision to remove the amalgam filling, you should find an experienced dentist who’s also committed to safe, mercury-free dentistry. This delicate process should be done cautiously to protect the patient from unnecessary exposure to more mercury. In fact, there are protective protocols in place to ensure that the procedures used are as safe as possible.
The dentist may recommend individualized biocompatibility testing to find the best possible replacement filling material for a strong, comfortable, and long lasting dental restoration. Keep in mind that the replacement filling material has to improve on the tooth structure that was destroyed during placement of the original filling.
A skilled dentist will evacuate as much mercury vapors and particles as possible using a high volume suction system, and a dental dam to keep you from ingesting the mercury. Afterwards, the dental amalgam may be replaced with a porcelain onlay or inlay.